Running in Action

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 135 - 4.30 miles (39:00)

"I can see clearly now the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way." - Johnny Nash

Miles Ran: 441.9 Dollars Raised: $2,585.20
(Thank you Emily Chapin!!...and for inspiring me to run in the rain today!)

Today's run was kind of unique. This ridiculous rain has been kind of depressing, and I was planning on going for a run at the gym, until my coworker Emily gave me the idea that it would be pretty "badass" to run in the rain. I kept it in the back of my mind as I drove home from work, and decided to clear my head of any "ugh, this rain stinks" thoughts. I put on my old pair of Brooks (the same version as what I wear now), my long tights, and my windbreaker I brought back from home that has a hood I could pull over my hat.

When I first stepped out it didn't seem that bad, and it went through waves of coming down really hard to barely coming down at all. I barely looked at my watch at all and just went with whatever pace felt right. It was actually kind of nice with the rain, to not have as many people out on the sidewalks. In fact, I thought it was funny that I only passed seven other runners on my run--6 of which were women!

It was also a different kind of run for me because I was listening to a lot slower music than usual. Lately I've been listening to some Kate Nash, The Weepies, and even some classical. And I noticed that I was actually more engaged and ran faster when I was listening to the classical music--especially Philip Glass' The Orphee Suite for Piano: Trilogy Sonata II, Act 3. It's just a piece that I get really emotionally connected to and is very repetitive so it's easier to dig deep and run fast when you have pianos and violins going through your head. I think tomorrow I'll try Requiem for a Dream...that always gets my blood pumping. I noticed a few people during the Olympics actually used it for their figure skating routines.

I also found out the results of my Uno's fundraiser today, which I can't lie, I was a little bummed about. For all of the work I put into it, how many people did come out to show their support, and how long of a day it was for me, I only raised about $100. Which, I mean, I am still very grateful for because that's $100 that I didn't have, but it just doesn't seem to be as much as I had hoped. I figure I probably would have needed at least 50 people to come close, and I think I had about 35. I'll add that $100 into my running total once I actually have the check in hand, which shouldn't be for another two weeks... I'm thinking that the Lir fundraiser should be a lot more profitable though. I figure, if I even get 10 people to come, that's $200 right there. We'll see... It's crazy to think the Marathon is only 20 days away!

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