Running in Action

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 123 - 3.26 miles (26:49 baby!)

"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." - John Barrymore

Miles Ran: 389.12 Dollars Raised: $1,785.60

I don't know what on Earth came over me today that inspired me to haul ass and run an average 8:14 pace!

Maybe it was because mentally I only had to do 3 miles and had to do it fast because I have to get downtown by 6:30...

Maybe it was because I took 2 energy jelly beans before I left (that I do believe have a little hint of caffeine...)

Maybe because it's so gorgeous outside that I just want to BE out and about in the sun all day, every day...

Maybe because I was wearing shorts for the first time and my legs could be free and limber and long...

Maybe because... could it be? My foot is getting outrageously better?!

I'm still babying it a little--icing, acupuncture, wearing my running shoes everywhere, Traumeel, ibuprofen, taping... but I'm definitely leaps and bounds from where I'm was. Even though I was stuck in a rut for awhile, I can't help but attribute some of that healing to positive thinking. I forgot to mention when I was at acupuncture yesterday and Jessica was massaging my foot she said she could feel where some of the scar tissue has built up. So interesting!

Now, I'm off to an event. Going to leave early so I can come home, lay out everything for a very early, long run tomorrow, try to pack a little for NYC and get some needed rest. Here is the route I planned out if you're interested:

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