Running in Action

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 133 - Rest

"Most people are far more prone to let the bad experiences shape their views than the good ones." - Rick Joyner

Miles Ran: 437.60 Dollars Raised: $2,539.00 (Thank you Kate Groetzinger!!!)

You always know it's almost Marathon time when...

...all of the signs go up along the route! Only 3 weeks from tomorrow!

This morning I woke up at a reasonable hour, 9:30 or so, for one of the first times I didn't have something to wake up for. My quads, my thighs, and my left foot were all aaaaching... After icing, taping, and babying my foot it's feeling a lot better, but my upper legs are both still really sore. I'm going to see how I feel tomorrow as far as whether or not to go for a short run, or wait another day. I was really happy to have a lot of time to just relax this morning, as I should have yesterday.

It was funny, something I forgot to mention in my last post, was as soon as I got home from the run my nose just started going crazy--sneezing, sniffling, running... I had no idea where it was coming from because otherwise I felt fine, but it lasted the entire night. All day today it was fine, until about ohhh... 5 minutes ago.

I went over to my old sorority's fashion show today, Ribbons on the Runway, which is always one of my favorite events. I think that was one of my first experiences with fundraising for a non-profit, and really made me see how much goes into putting on a good event. The sisters did SUCH an impressive job with the silent auction and fashion aspects of it. It's such a great, emotional, fun, event that raises money for breast cancer, and I think will always be a tradition at Emerson.

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