Running in Action

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 106 - Rest

"Sometimes the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest." - Ashleigh Brilliant

Miles Ran: 336.19 Dollars Raised: $1760.60 (THANK YOU JEN REARDON!!!)

Oh boy.. today was a long one. I ended up staying over at my parents' house last night because I was too cozy/tired after my run/dinner, which meant waking up super early and driving across the state for my commute this morning. I always underestimate morning rush hour traffic. I was cruising almost all the way until I hit close the Framingham, and then it was just stop and go for practically an entire hour. I hate driving. It makes me so anxious. I'd rather just sit back on a train or a plane and watch the world go by...

When I finally got to Winsor I was able to set up an appointment with a sports medicine doctor at Children's (not the one recommended by my acupuncturist because he's booked until APRIL!), but at least this guy can do an x-ray and make a conclusion of what exactly we're dealing with.

After work I stuck around until our 6:30 meeting and left Winsor at 8:00.. picked up the Clarkster, brought him back with me to pick up his things from home, brought him back to his place, then drove back to mine, talk to me mum, put my clean sheets on my bed, and am finally getting a chance to take a breath and rest. Speaking of rest, thank goodness I gave myself a day to recover today. My entire lower body was aching today, especially my right quad, after yesterday's run.

I also have been forgetting to mention that the acupuncturist wanted me to keep a food journal until our next visit. I have to say, it makes you a whole lot more conscious of what you're putting into your body when you have to write it down on paper and have someone look at it with a careful eye afterward. Who knows, maybe I'll continue to keep doing it just to hold some accountability to myself.

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