"Hey soul sister...the way you move it ain't fair ya know." - Train
I'm on a bus listening to the female old- aged Long Island accent behind me just chaaaaat chat chatting away on her cell phone without a care in the world. (It makes me think of the John Roberts mother Youtube videos "go turn on my tree!") I'm a little squished in my seat, but I can't complain. I paid $15 for a 12:30 bus and got my favorite seat right up in front with my GORGEOUS view of the Mass Pike and no one cramming my legs with their reclined seats. I'm also really happy to be on way down to see all my pretty friends and not have to drive myself.
Well, about the run, as you'll see below it was quite eventful. I mapped out a route that would take farrrr down Beacon Street into Newton, cross over to Comm Ave, up Heartbreak Hill, back down Beacon to Mass Ave and then up Comm Ave to home.
The weather was just perfect! Started in the mid-40's I would say and ended close to 60. I didn't have a good start though... I'll say this: SCREW YOU BEACON STREET and your uneven sidewalks!!! Can't a girl take her eyes off the ground for one second to enjoy the scenery without catching herself on a jutted out piece of concrete?! I totally flew in the air and kind of did a volleyball slide as if I were trying to pancake. I picked myself up, dusted myself off, swore a lot, and examined the damages. I wonder what it looked like to all of those people waiting for the T. One really nice girl walking behind me stopped and asked if I needed help, to use her cell, etc. I went into Shaw's and picked up some Band-Aids for my bloody hands and knee and cleaned myself in the bathroom. So, everything was taken care of, and I got back on the road.
It was very nice to see a new part of the city (Newton) even though I was being EXTREMELY cautious of where I was going. When I crossed over to Comm Ave I thought I was in the middle of Heartbreak Hill, but as I made my way and remembered some landmarks from when I pretty much walked up it the last time I realized, oh no! I had definitely started at the bottom. The picture below is at the top when I conquered it :)
It was such a relief after that climb because I knew exactly where I was and could gauge the miles, knew what to expect, and so on.. I stopped along the way at Dunkin and 7Eleven to fill up my water. After 7/11 I apparently forgot to zip back up my new iFitness belt because as I got to Mass Ave I heard this taxi beeping at me, and when I looked back my debit card, I'd and T pass had flown out!
At that point I only had 2.5 miles to go, which were uphill, and very long. At least I had great weather for this run compared to last week. Just gives you a little more motivation... Now I'm going to try to fall asleep, once annoying lady has finished going through her entire address book to call everyone she knows...

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