"Friends are the sunshine of life." - John Hay
I feel sooooooo rejuvenated and happy to be out running outside in the sunnnn!!! With my friend!!!! In the nice weatherrrrrrrr!!!!

Katharine and I got together around 5:00 today and when I stepped outside it was absolutely gorgeous. Such a surprise after the 10 inches of rain Boston got over the weekend! And it's only supposed to get better! I think at some point I'll end up in a location where it's sunny all the time, so I won't go through the depressing, drawn out winters that we have to deal with up here.
We were able to catch up a lot about our training, fund raising, etc. and neither of us can believe how fast the Marathon has crept up on us. It's only 5 weeks away! I remember thinking that 5 months seemed like a short period to train for 26.2 miles.
My foot and ankle felt great afterward, and I'm really feeling a difference in the way I'm carrying myself (as in, not limping, at all.) Talk about small victories--I had to run and tell my coworker today that I noticed I could actually WALK UP STAIRS on the balls of my feet instead of flat-footed as I have been for the past month!
Overall, a great day :) And tomorrow I have cross-training, massage, acupuncture and a Guinness or two to look forward to!
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