Running in Action

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 99 - Cross

"To run where the brave dare not go." - Man of La Mancha

Miles Ran: 317.19 Dollars Raised: $1,684.80

I had no idea my blog had a theme song this whole time! (

I really do believe the Reiki did get me back on track. Today I just felt completely relaxed, and it definitely did not feel like a Monday. I felt like everything just rolled off my back, and though there were a few things that might have normally thrown me off kilter, I was able to see another side, and find a solution, rather than dwell on negativity.

I wanted to take a day off from overexerting myself on the treadmill, and just spent a lonngggg long time on the bike (how can anybody think that's comfortable?!) engrossed in Law and Order on the tv in front of me. I did a little ab work afterward, but when I looked up at the clock and realized it was 9:00 I swiftly gathered up my things and left. That's just TOO late to be at the gym! Thank goodness I did decide to sign up for it though--especially right now, I can't imagine confining myself to the Winsor gym and it's limits.

I don't know if it has anything to do with the Reiki, or if I'm coming down with something, but I've been EXTREMELY parched and thirsty since yesterday. I drank at least 4 water bottles of water today! I filled the tub with water for the night to see if that helps with the dryness in my apartment.

I also embarked on two creative projects today! One is a video slideshow for the basketball girls of all the pictures I've taken this season, and the other is painting--inspired by a friend and coworker. Blick had a gigantic sale on supplies, so I stocked up canvases, brushes, and acrylics to let something else become a creative outlet.


  1. Uncle Ken just sat bolt upright to lean on your shoulder and help you wield that paintbrush!!! Love,Granny

  2. Awww of course I was thinking of him as I was picking up all of my supplies. Now I just have to find time to put brush to canvas!
