Running in Action

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 89 - 4 miles (33:15)

"A run begins the moment you forget you are running." - Adidas (so true!)

Miles Ran: 297.19 Dollars Raised: $1,582.40

So I tried to turn my blackout into something positive, and set my alarm for 5 AM to get up and run a few miles before work--even though it should have been a rest day with such a huge run tomorrow.

As painful as 5 AM is, I love having all of that extra energy in the morning to kick-start my day. It's like having an extra large espresso (combined with my DD small Iced Latte Light, skim milk, and 2 Splenda). I don't know how, but I've evolved into a morning person more than I ever thought possible. For someone who's always wishing there were more hours in the day, I feel like it's a waste to lay in bed when I could be doing something productive.

The run itself this morning was pretty good, considering my ipod died halfway through. I don't know how the BSC fitness music channel thinks Depeche Mode "Enjoy the Silence" is a great workout song for the morning. I need something with a fast beat--something that will wake me up! Like my new Justin Timberlake and Timbaland "Carry-Out"! It always helps when I have people running next to me to keep my speed up (except when there's a guy with wayyy too much cologne on for 6 AM) and make me feel motivated to keep pushing. That last mile is always the hardest/easiest because as I'm increasing my speed from 8 mph to 9.5 mph I'm definitely giving every last ounce of energy that I have, but at the same time, it makes the mile go by so much faster.

My focus for the rest of the day is to try and prepare myself for tomorrow. Maybe eat a little healthier, keep a good smiling attitude, lay everything out that I'll need, make my post-run-PB&J, get good rest...and just mentally prepare myself for what lies ahead. I can't (and can!) believe I'll be breaking 300 miles tomorrow!

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