"All we can do is keep breathing." - Ingrid Michaelson
Well that was a struggle.
My body felt great, but my lungs, again, were holding me back. I took my inhalers, but I think it was a combination of the cold, recovering from my allergic reaction to Vermont, and not having run in a couple days.
The whole first half of the run I was trying to focus on my breathing, and then the second half was when the dreaded blister pain returned. I don't know what the heck is wrong and what I'm doing differently! It's frustrating! The good news is my hip and knee pain in my left leg wasn't there at all today.
In other good news, I picked up my singlet and long sleeve last Friday! They're so pretty :)

Loved hearing your voice a few minutes ago, Sammy,and am thrilled that you're experiencing the "in flight" thrill of skiing. After all these years I still miss it.As for your blisters perhaps your school doc might take a look. Take GOOD care of yourself. Granny