"I just want to be wonderful." - Marilyn Monroe
Part 1: 5 miles (42:01)
This morning was the best I've felt in awhile, and I'm hoping that carries on through tonight. For once I felt like I was in a "groove" again, and on a treadmill that's especially surprising. I love watching sports highlights (basketball in particular) when I'm running because I try to make the movements on the screen match with the beats on my ipod. It also helped that there were two girls pumping along on either side of me that I felt like I was racing.
I think getting a decent night's sleep greatly attributed to it (and a dream about holding a huge event with my business cards blown up everywhere?) and I just felt really awake. I also feel like I kind of got that yucky attitude out of me. Do you ever get the feeling where you just need to cry, even though you don't have anything to cry about? I was looking for that outlet watching Grey's Anatomy (which used to make me cry every episode) but didn't get it. Then I fell asleep, and was awoken and discombobulated by a phone call from my Mom (it was before 10:00 so on a normal night, I would have been awake). On the positive side, she ran TWENTY-SEVEN MINUTES straight on the treadmill, which I am SO proud of her for!! She's really been doing a great job at increasing her endurance ever since she got her new running shoes. But on the down side, she found out one of her good friends passed away from lung cancer the night before. After I hung up the phone, the waterworks came. I just kept thinking about how thankful I am that my Mom stopped smoking, and that many of my friends are stopping as well. I am so proud of them, and know it's like a marathon journey in itself.
Now to try and stay positive, stay energized, and run a great 10 tonight :)

(Found this while I was writing a review for different Boston children's book)
Part 2: 9.53 miles (1:23:43)
I finally felt back to normal, and it feels so good!
Tonight I met up with Robbie and, though I was aching at the end, I think I kept up with him pretty well. He definitely pushes me, and he's a good person to talk to. It really makes the run go by SO much faster when you're not constantly looking at your watch to see how far you've gone. We started in Coolidge Corner and went along the Charles allllll the way down to the Science Museum, came up on the Cambridge side of the Charles, crossed back over at Mass. Ave., and back up Beacon.
Running at night just leaves me in awe of my city. Coming down along the Charles the lighting eerily casts blue shadows on the icy water, and coming along the Cambridge side you can see the entire long skyline. It's so beautiful, especially on clear nights, like tonight.
It was (almost) perfect conditions to be back out for a long run. Clear, a mild 27 degrees, barely any wind... so much better than last week. Runs like that can definitely change your attitude around for the better.
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