Running in Action

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 80 - Cross

"Seeing within changes one's outer vision." - Joseph Chilton Pearce

Miles Ran: 265.66 Dollars Raised: $1,332.40

In the past couple days I've had people ask me, "is everything ok?" When people are noticing you're not yourself, it's probably a bad sign.

Today, I was trying to focus on tomorrow. I couldn't just "rest" because I've felt like I've been doing too much of that over the past week. So I just went to the gym and did the Arc Trainer for a half hour, in my old shoes, and that seemed to at least give me a little energy for the night, no increased blister pain, and more free time. I did my laundry, full of athletic clothes, and for the first time in a LONG time, am making it to bed before 9:00.

Tomorrow I have to wake up at 5 AM to do 5 miles in the morning, and then 10 miles at night. I'm considering wearing my old sneakers in the morning just to see how they feel...but I guess I'll decide that when the time comes.

Maybe I should be focusing more on the present though. Making the best of what's happening right now.

I feel like a major part of my problems lately is my mind has completely been elsewhere. I was realizing today that I haven't had that "spiritual focus" I had talked about before, where running was a time for me to connect with something bigger. I'll try to intentionally think about that as I drift off to dreamland...maybe it will give me inspiration and I'll awake a new woman.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no! I'm soooooooo sorry I woke you at 9:30 pm last night!
