Running in Action

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 70 - Rest

"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." - Isaac Newton (...sneakers...)

Miles Ran: 232.04 Dollars Raised: $1,1117.40

Something I've been able to do since I've began running is really get in tune with my body and how it's effected by different things. Between certain foods, stretches, etc., I'm learning more and more about myself than I probably would have if I just continued the workout routine I had been doing pre-running.

I think a lot of it has to do with consistency, and the amount of running I'm doing. I'm able to see patterns, and look back to find common threads that may have lead to that pain or side stitch. For example, for the past 3 weeks, as I've mention before, I've had very busy Saturdays following my long runs. Which is hard to avoid! I noticed last night as I got a splitting headache, that I've had these terrible headaches for the past 3 weeks as well... So I think, especially if I'm having a busy day, that I need to be pumping the water ALL day long, even more than I have been.

This morning I went and got a massage out in Cambridge--which I would definitely do every week if I could! I realized how much more stretching and weight training I need to be doing, and how tight all of my muscles are. My legs and feet feel so good/sore from all of the deep tissue pressure, but it's definitely something I'd want to try and do more often throughout my training.

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