Running in Action

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 68 - Rest

"It is on the whole probably that we continually dream, but that consciousness makes such a noise that we do not hear it." - Carl Gustav Jung

Miles Ran: 218.84 Dollars Raised: $1,117.40 (Thank you Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I think my energy has shifted a little bit--which is a good thing considering I'm technically running a half marathon tomorrow. Today just seemed very easy going, it was Friday, caught up on a lot of things at work...generally a very stress-less day.

Something I noticed myself doing that I sometimes do in my run is just tuning out a part of the world. For example, when I was getting my hair cut today the fire alarm went off for no reason, but the piercing alarm didn't bother me in the slightest! My hairdresser and I chatted, I was completely relaxed, and while the girl next to me was having an anxiety attack (which I normally might have done) I was cool as a cucumber :) When I'm running I'll focus on one of three things usually: the world around me, my thoughts, or my music. When one starts to get boring, or not provide entertainment, I can just switch the dial to another channel.

It's a rest day, so I pulled myself away from my social life to come home and go to bed, so I guess I should actually do that. We have a team meeting in the morning over in Dahhhchestah, so though I don't need to start my running ridiculously early, I still have to set my alarm.. Goodnight!

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