Running in Action

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 64 - 4 miles (32:38)

"I have a dream..." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Miles Ran: 207.84 Dollars Raised: $1,066.20

...that on April 19th I will push myself past limits and a finish line I thought were never exceedable, have raised money for a cause I believe in, and enjoy every minute of it to the fullest.

So maybe that's a little cliche, but it's very true. I literally have dreams and daydreams about what that day will be like and how I will feel. I feel so fortunate, like everything has come into place--between getting on a team, with Rick as my coach, the great weather I've had this winter and the encouraging people in my life. I'm just hoping it will continue to work out and bring great conditions that day and that I'll feel like I did everything I could to prepare for it.

Today's run was a little bit of a struggle. It's surprising to me how sometimes when I feel most uncomfortable I run faster--probably to just get it over with! It was really hot in the gym, my legs were rubbing together, my sock slipped down into my shoe, I had to go to the bathroom, I got a pain in my side... It was funny though--I realized how four miles feels like nothing for me anymore. I guess soon five and six mile runs will become the norm in my weekday schedule...

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