Running in Action

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 51 - 4.16 miles (35:31)

"The mind ought to sometimes be diverted that it may return the better to thinking." - Phaedrus

Miles Ran: 157.72 Dollars Raised: $916.20 (Thank you Uncle Stan, Aunt Becky and Dulce!!!)

Sometimes you just need to run to clear your head.

Today was pretty stressful getting back to work and catching up, and I just felt like I was in a funky mood all day. My mind had become so used to not critically thinking or socializing over the past week that it kind of went into shock.

The beginning of my run started off with me not giving a care at all about my pace or speed, I was just taking it easy since I still felt sore from Saturday's run. I was trying out some different techniques since the proper one for my new kicks is "Land, Lever, Lift," as seen here:

It was funny when I stopped at the very end of my run at CVS and started walking home, because I could feel SUCH a difference in trying to do the heel-toe movement, compared to what comes natural to me when I'm running. It just felt, weird. Lucy at Marathon specifically said, this is NOT a walking shoe, and she was right!

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