Running in Action

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 66 - 6 miles (50:33)

"We all go through our daily lives, I won't say oblivious, but so focused on our own personal perspective that sometimes demonstrations are one way to raise the awareness of people." - Pete Cerchiara

Miles Ran: 218.84 Dollars Raised: $1,091.20 (Thank you Kay Jalbert!!!!)

Can I just say...I LOVE running outside! After two runs in a row on the treadmill, my legs were begging for some pavement, inclines and declines.

My run went a lot better than I expected tonight! I was supposed to have a cross training day, but I decided to switch it up since I have something to do tomorrow night. I figure it would be easier to cross train at 5:30 tomorrow morning than trying to run a quality six miles on the treadmill.

I had mostly avoided running outside because of the crummy weather this week. I was lucky in that there wasn't much ice out at all on the sidewalks. When I'm running in this New England weather sometimes I think "this is making me stronger." Can you imagine running in California all of the time and then come to the "elite" (how every book, magazine, person describes it) Boston Marathon and all of a sudden get hit with cold!? I'd be scared!

Tonight I was getting a little agitated again with the obliviousness of people... I almost got hit TWICE by cars and once by a BIKE! Just people pulling into the crosswalk when they shouldn't, or making turns on lights when they shouldn't. I don't care if you have a green straight AND turn arrow--if I have a walk sign I have the right of way! Usually I try to make eye contact with people and give them a wave, but even then, some people are just in their own world.

Mini peanut butter cups count as post-run protein...right?

Winsor Mid 2 basketball pulled out a huge win tonight! Woohoo!

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