"That which is sacred within me salutes that which is sacred within you." - Yoga, "namaste"
Miles Ran: 203.84 Dollars Raised: $1,066.20
As my Granny says, "you just can't keep still!"
I was excited to finally have a day with no agenda, no times to be anywhere, no tasks to complete... but as usual, I feel like a waste when I'm not being productive. I woke up this morning and started cleaning my apartment when I realized, Hatha yoga is a 11:00 at the gym! So I got my act together and walked the one block to see what the BSC had to offer.
And.. was disappointed.
I like yoga for it's meditative purposes, for a breather in the midst of the madness of everyday, and the fact that it's non-strenuous exercise is a plus. The girl instructor had no calming music (besides the thumping of the spin class next door), didn't even do the moves with us, didn't give us anything in particular to focus on, and it was more of a workout than anything--which my recovering legs did not appreciate. The people around me were breathing so heavily I thought they were... ahmmm... enjoying it more than they should have if you catch my drift. There was no air circulation at all. The only comforting things were when she allowed us to go into child's pose (twice) or when I looked over at the other new girl next to me, who was just as annoyed as I was, to confirm that I was not crazy in thinking this was not what we expected.
Looking back, the only thing I got out of it was, just because I run and workout a lot does not make me a super hero or even moderately good at all exercises. I guess you could say it humbled me. What seemed like a piece of cake for others, meant my legs were shaking in tense-ness trying to hold myself up.
Needless to say, I doubt I'll be attending another Sunday class, and may just hold out until basketball is over and I can get back to my Winsor yoga a-la-Jill.
Afterward I went back to the apartment to finish cleaning, did some hardcore grocery shopping at Trader Joe's, made some cornbread, and made a delicious concoction of scallops, shrimp, calamari, couscous, spinach, feta cheese and kalamata olives. Delicioso! I'm trying to expand my culinary horizons after realizing my repetoire included only chicken parm and baked fish :-/