Running in Action

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 77 - Rest

"Who says you can't go home?" - Bon Jovi

Miles Ran: 255.48 Dollars Raised: $1,232.40

I feel like whenever I take an unscheduled rest day, it's always for the same reason, I know my body needs it.

After that ridiculous run last Thursday, I think it was pretty much necessary to take a little break. I still would definitely consider skiing as cross training, seeing how sore my quads and shoulders have been all day. But my blisters and hip/knee pain are practically gone since I didn't keep pushing myself. Hopefully when I get back on track tomorrow the problems won't arise again.

A lot of times too, rest days find themselves because of a shortage of time. I made an extended stop at home after Vermont this morning--filled with errands, car washes, baked mac&cheese with flank steak, chats, and a Belle fitting session. But again, my mind and body definitely needed it. :)

Day 75 & 76 - Rest and Ski

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" - Dr. Robert Schuller

Miles Ran: 255.48 Dollars Raised: $1,232.40 (Thank you Craig Welton and Emily Smith!!!!!!)

I wasn't able to update my blog while I was out in Vermont with no service this weekend, so here goes a wrap-up of the past two days:

So I was VERY anxious about going skiing in VT for the weekend, for many reasons. My aches and pains were getting to me, I was nervous I would hurt myself even more, and had never tried skiing in the past. We were always more of an "indoor family" in the winter--playing basketball every week/weekend from November-March. The extent of my snow history has been sledding, tubing, snowmen/angels, and snowboarding twice.

But I think, as in life, and in running, that it's good to face your fears/challenges with an open mind and a good attitude, and you may just find joy in the challenge.

It was really hard for me to figure out, but luckily the "pizza slices" and "french fries" saved me. I was getting really initimidated standing at the top of big hills and looking down, and I would get really scared when I would pick up speed because I felt like I was losing control. We started off on a green slope that went all the way down and around the mountain, then after lunch I mastered the bunny slope and ended up doing an entire blue slope by accident! Finally for the last 15 minutes I really got the hang of it and was going at a faster speed with smaller zigzags, until I got the very bottom and just fell over.

Now I'm back to a crazy running schedule so I can do it all again next weekend, and I'm excited!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 74 - 14 miles (Part 1 - 32:57, Part 2 - 1:38:07 )

"I'm in pain and I'm wet and I'm hysterical!!!!" - Leo Bloom (Gene Wilder), The Producers

Miles Ran:
255.48 Dollars Raised: $1,167.40 (Thank you Dot Coutard!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Run Part 1: 4 miles (32:57)

It's so hard to get motivated in the mornings... I was fairly satisfied with my time for the four miles, but I was struggling with those recurring blisters again! I'm spending the rest of the day covering them with bandaids, Neosporin, and moleskin, so hopefully that will help a little bit by my ten mile run tonight.

What I'm mainly worried about, besides the pain, is that I'll overcompensate on my left leg (which already started getting a pain in my hip) and cause a different kind of injury.

Speaking of injuries, I forgot to mention last night that I had read a few chapters in Born to Run that reallyyyyy got into the barefoot running. It made me want to get out on a track and try it out! It made me think how terrible shoe companies are, knowing that the more they put into a shoe, the more it weakens the foot, but continue to push these ridiculous cushioned stabilizing form fitting shoes. I want to try the FiveFingers ( just to see what a difference it makes.

Ahhh.. now I'm mentally preparing myself for the rest of the day to conquer part deux of 14 miles in, what sounds like, a snow "squall".

Run Part 2: 10 miles (1:38:07)

This was the second time, besides the Grafton run, that I was so exhausted/overwhelmed/sore/proud after my run that I just wanted to break down into tears.

I felt like I was going into a basketball game, against the toughest team, with all of the odds against me.
  • Blisters on the ball of my right foot
  • Knee pain causing hip pain causing back pain in my left leg
  • Snow SQUALL
  • No running buddies
  • Ipod battery dead
  • Bitter cold and RIDICULOUS wind
First, I picked up a little gel "ball of foot" insert Trainer Clark suggested, which was a HUGE help. When I started off I decided, you know what? I'm already pushing my body to extremes, I'm not going to worry about my time and just focus on how my foot was landing on the slippery snow and short, slow strides to keep my aches from paining me anymore. At about 4 miles my hip and back reallyyyy started flaring up. I had to stop for a few minutes to stretch it out on one of the statues in the Common. On the way back, I could not believe the amount of wind there was. There were points where I was just being blown to the side and my hat was flying away. At mile 9 I actually had to stop and go inside a Dunkin Donuts to try and warm up my hands because they were starting to feel numb.

I am just so relieved and proud of myself that I was able to put in that ten. I was pumping myself up the entire run thinking things like, "I AM going to finish", "I AM going to get up this hill", "I AM going to get this full ten in". It was so long and painful in so many ways, I actually considered stopping into a store to use their phone and have my brother come pick me up with a T pass home. But, I finished. :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 73 - Rest

"I'd do it all again..." - Corinne Bailey Rae

Miles Ran: 241.48 Dollars Raised: $1,117.40

I was considering doing a light cross training tonight, but instead, here I sit, jammin out to new John Mayer and new Corinne Bailey Rae, waiting patiently for my laundry to be done. DING!


I have to try and make this quick because I need to be up in 6 hours to run 4 miles! Had a pretty productive day--Mid 2's won our basketball game against Rivers!, got a LOT of laundry done even though it took forever, and got almost all packed for Vermont.

Tomorrow's going to be interesting! I think it's the first time I've ever done two substantial runs in one day. I was going to say, even two runs in one day, but I think that happened numerous, painful times during volleyball preseason in college. Ahh those were the days... doing indian sprints up Beacon Hill and wondering how on earth I could ever finish two miles in 18 minutes. I spent that whole summer running to the end of Rogers Ave. and back with my discman!

Also finally got a PedEgg today to work off those callouses (too much info? nah..) Hopefully it works and tomorrow I won't get blisters!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 72 - 4.69 (41:10)

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something will take it's place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." - Lance Armstrong

Miles Ran: 241.48 Dollars Raised: $1,117.40

How is it possible that I can all of a sudden, after months of training, get blisters on the balls of my feet, under the skin, after running a normal run I've done so often? I'm confused. What did I do differently?

The first mile is always one of the hardest, and when you throw a Comm. Ave. STEEP hill on top of it, it was painful. It took me 2 1/2 miles to finally get into a groove and start cruising my way down Beacon Street. Halfway through my hip started acting up, so I'm planning to sleep with heat on it tonight. I also made two pit-stops for a project I'm working on for my girls :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 71 - 4 miles (31:50) + .75 cooldown

"I never trusted good-looking boys." - Frances McDormand

Miles Ran: 236.79 Dollars Raised: $1,117.40

I am wrapping up my night feeling SO good! Despite the ridiculously rainy day, I couldn't believe it was in the 50's and felt like spring. It's so deceiving for the end of January. It makes me want this weather right now, skipping these 20's and 30's days.

I was happy to figure out my running schedule for the next two weeks, since I'll be away in VT on weekends. Thursdays are going to be a BLAST. 4/5 mile runs before work...and then 10 mile runs after work... Gotta do whatchya gotta do!

But tonight after work! I made my way to TWO Marathon Sports stores just to feed into the craze that is marathon gear. Yes, I want every part of it. It's kind of even more of a motivation in a way, to run in something that symbolizes my goal, as strange as that may sound... AFTER I finish the marathon, I'm probably going to want to plaster "26.2" and "Boston Marathon" on every piece of clothing, furniture, shoe, car that I own.. haha I really liked these pieces though because they're different from what I own, and I'm planning to incorporate the 3/4 tights into my Disney Princess outfit.

For once! I was completely in the zone at the gym. With my shorter runs I'm going to start working on speed--which I was really happy with tonight. I just got into a great groove, with good tunes, and worked my way up to 8 mph for the last mile, and increased up to 9.5 by the end. One thing that's good about not being able to watch the tv in front of me is that I can see my reflection and make sure that my form is in check. After I finished I wasn't ready to turn off my pumping music, so I just jogged for another .75 miles at a slower pace.

And I always love finishing my workout with two things: squash boys and basketball boys!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 70 - Rest

"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." - Isaac Newton (...sneakers...)

Miles Ran: 232.04 Dollars Raised: $1,1117.40

Something I've been able to do since I've began running is really get in tune with my body and how it's effected by different things. Between certain foods, stretches, etc., I'm learning more and more about myself than I probably would have if I just continued the workout routine I had been doing pre-running.

I think a lot of it has to do with consistency, and the amount of running I'm doing. I'm able to see patterns, and look back to find common threads that may have lead to that pain or side stitch. For example, for the past 3 weeks, as I've mention before, I've had very busy Saturdays following my long runs. Which is hard to avoid! I noticed last night as I got a splitting headache, that I've had these terrible headaches for the past 3 weeks as well... So I think, especially if I'm having a busy day, that I need to be pumping the water ALL day long, even more than I have been.

This morning I went and got a massage out in Cambridge--which I would definitely do every week if I could! I realized how much more stretching and weight training I need to be doing, and how tight all of my muscles are. My legs and feet feel so good/sore from all of the deep tissue pressure, but it's definitely something I'd want to try and do more often throughout my training.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 69 - 13.2 miles (1:51:12 halfway there!)

"You can't control what you can't measure." - Tom DeMarco

Miles Ran: 232.04 DollarsRaised:$1,117.40


Why is it that lately my longest, most challenging runs, end up being my favorite?

Today started off kind of early, but for a good reason. I drove out to Dorchester Academy where the Boston Debate League was having a tournament, and we were having a Team Debate meeting ourselves. It was nice to brainstorm with each other about different ways to fund raise and how things have been going thus far. I was really excited to hear about 3 things: our singlets and long sleeves are arriving this week!, details about our huge group runs we're doing with all of the charity teams for our 16 and 20 mile runs, and about a post-marathon-party we'll be having at the Copley Westin
for the coalition of teams! Apparently we'll have a private area at Bar 10, open
bar and snacks, after the Marathon,
and I'm putting it out there now that anyone who donates $100 can be a guest of mine at the post party!

After I got back from our meeting I plotted out a route and just... ran. It was such a gorgeous day (as you can see), just a little chilly, and I basically did one huge loop around Boston. I started down Commonwealth Ave, and went allllll the way down to the Common, where I then turned down Boylston until I got to South Station, and made a right onto Summer Street. I ran over the bridge to right
where Southie begins, and then turned around to make my way back into the city. I went up Atlantic Ave to the Garden, and then went past the Science Museum and up the side of the Charles. I banged a left onto the Mass. Ave. bridge, and then a right back up Commonwealth. It was
refreshing to run 13 again since the last time was the half marathon, and I was pleasantly surprised that I made 13 in 1:49:48! A personal record for me! My time at the half marathon was 1:57.

Something we were talking about at our meeting stuck with me during my run: control. I was saying
how training for the marathon is the easy part because I have complete control over how well I prepare, stick to the schedule, etc.. While on the other hand, with fund raising, I am being completely reliant on other people. I can promote and market and plan events all day long, but at the end of the day, I have no control whether people will give or not. So as I was running I was focusing on just having total control over my mind and body, and enjoying the
beautiful day. I put my phone in a plastic bag and kept it in my jacket pocket the whole time so I could finally post some pictures of the incredible scenery I've been enjoying every weekend. Hope you like my tour of Boston pictures!

P.S. I passed by 56 other runners, and someone (a non-runner) actually managed to spit on me as I was coming up on the side of him. Gross!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 68 - Rest

"It is on the whole probably that we continually dream, but that consciousness makes such a noise that we do not hear it." - Carl Gustav Jung

Miles Ran: 218.84 Dollars Raised: $1,117.40 (Thank you Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I think my energy has shifted a little bit--which is a good thing considering I'm technically running a half marathon tomorrow. Today just seemed very easy going, it was Friday, caught up on a lot of things at work...generally a very stress-less day.

Something I noticed myself doing that I sometimes do in my run is just tuning out a part of the world. For example, when I was getting my hair cut today the fire alarm went off for no reason, but the piercing alarm didn't bother me in the slightest! My hairdresser and I chatted, I was completely relaxed, and while the girl next to me was having an anxiety attack (which I normally might have done) I was cool as a cucumber :) When I'm running I'll focus on one of three things usually: the world around me, my thoughts, or my music. When one starts to get boring, or not provide entertainment, I can just switch the dial to another channel.

It's a rest day, so I pulled myself away from my social life to come home and go to bed, so I guess I should actually do that. We have a team meeting in the morning over in Dahhhchestah, so though I don't need to start my running ridiculously early, I still have to set my alarm.. Goodnight!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 67 - Cross

"Don't rush me sonny. You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles." - Princess Bride

Miles Ran: 218.84 Dollars Raised: $1,091.20

I don't know why I like writing my posts on the T so much... Maybe because I don't have to stare awkwardly at people, or feel the need to play with my phone. Maybe because I'm feeling uber productive while I travel!

Today I awoke at the crack of dawn to walk 3 minutes to the gym and try to cross train. I did the arc for 20-something minutes, and then did my usual core circuit twice: situps, crunches, plank, that hanging leg thing, and the weighted crunch machine. I like doing that better in the morning with no one else around, making me feel inferior with all of the crazy things they can do. I don't think it would be so bad if it wasn't in such an enclosed space where everyone is in everyone's business.

I can't seem to think of my theme of the day. I felt really all over the place and rushed. Now I'm rushing to get somewhere. I guess I found my theme.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 66 - 6 miles (50:33)

"We all go through our daily lives, I won't say oblivious, but so focused on our own personal perspective that sometimes demonstrations are one way to raise the awareness of people." - Pete Cerchiara

Miles Ran: 218.84 Dollars Raised: $1,091.20 (Thank you Kay Jalbert!!!!)

Can I just say...I LOVE running outside! After two runs in a row on the treadmill, my legs were begging for some pavement, inclines and declines.

My run went a lot better than I expected tonight! I was supposed to have a cross training day, but I decided to switch it up since I have something to do tomorrow night. I figure it would be easier to cross train at 5:30 tomorrow morning than trying to run a quality six miles on the treadmill.

I had mostly avoided running outside because of the crummy weather this week. I was lucky in that there wasn't much ice out at all on the sidewalks. When I'm running in this New England weather sometimes I think "this is making me stronger." Can you imagine running in California all of the time and then come to the "elite" (how every book, magazine, person describes it) Boston Marathon and all of a sudden get hit with cold!? I'd be scared!

Tonight I was getting a little agitated again with the obliviousness of people... I almost got hit TWICE by cars and once by a BIKE! Just people pulling into the crosswalk when they shouldn't, or making turns on lights when they shouldn't. I don't care if you have a green straight AND turn arrow--if I have a walk sign I have the right of way! Usually I try to make eye contact with people and give them a wave, but even then, some people are just in their own world.

Mini peanut butter cups count as post-run protein...right?

Winsor Mid 2 basketball pulled out a huge win tonight! Woohoo!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 65 - 5 miles (43:24)

"Shimmy shimmy cocoa what?!" - Nelly

Miles Ran: 212.84 Dollars Raised: $1,066.20

My body (yawn) is yearning for me to put the computer away and go to bed, so I'm going to try to keep this short--even though in the light of tonight's "special election" I would love to go on a little rant. But this is a blog about my marathon training, not my personal life (so maybe it creeps in a little sometimes...), so all I'm going to say is that my values and priorities are always going to be at least a little different than the person standing next to me. This just makes us unique and forces us to learn how to work and cooperate together. The end.

As for my run.. ehh.. it could have been better. Nelly (on the Super Mash Brothers track) and Chris Brown ("I Can Transform Ya") definitely helped a little bit. There's something about those powerful songs that you look to to bring your energy up a notch. I'll be honest, sometimes I might look like a drummer wannabe when there's a certain beat I just get excited about (and discreetly want to dance to). The weather was cold rain/slush/gross tonight, so I opted for the crowded gym. I keep trying to get my shoelaces to feel juuuust right, but can't seem to get it. When I skip certain holes my feet feel like they're moving around too much, but when I don't, the top of my feet sometimes hurt. Anyway, off to rest my aching bones...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 64 - 4 miles (32:38)

"I have a dream..." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Miles Ran: 207.84 Dollars Raised: $1,066.20

...that on April 19th I will push myself past limits and a finish line I thought were never exceedable, have raised money for a cause I believe in, and enjoy every minute of it to the fullest.

So maybe that's a little cliche, but it's very true. I literally have dreams and daydreams about what that day will be like and how I will feel. I feel so fortunate, like everything has come into place--between getting on a team, with Rick as my coach, the great weather I've had this winter and the encouraging people in my life. I'm just hoping it will continue to work out and bring great conditions that day and that I'll feel like I did everything I could to prepare for it.

Today's run was a little bit of a struggle. It's surprising to me how sometimes when I feel most uncomfortable I run faster--probably to just get it over with! It was really hot in the gym, my legs were rubbing together, my sock slipped down into my shoe, I had to go to the bathroom, I got a pain in my side... It was funny though--I realized how four miles feels like nothing for me anymore. I guess soon five and six mile runs will become the norm in my weekday schedule...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 63 - Rest

"That which is sacred within me salutes that which is sacred within you." - Yoga, "namaste"

Miles Ran: 203.84 Dollars Raised: $1,066.20

As my Granny says, "you just can't keep still!"

I was excited to finally have a day with no agenda, no times to be anywhere, no tasks to complete... but as usual, I feel like a waste when I'm not being productive. I woke up this morning and started cleaning my apartment when I realized, Hatha yoga is a 11:00 at the gym! So I got my act together and walked the one block to see what the BSC had to offer.

And.. was disappointed.

I like yoga for it's meditative purposes, for a breather in the midst of the madness of everyday, and the fact that it's non-strenuous exercise is a plus. The girl instructor had no calming music (besides the thumping of the spin class next door), didn't even do the moves with us, didn't give us anything in particular to focus on, and it was more of a workout than anything--which my recovering legs did not appreciate. The people around me were breathing so heavily I thought they were... ahmmm... enjoying it more than they should have if you catch my drift. There was no air circulation at all. The only comforting things were when she allowed us to go into child's pose (twice) or when I looked over at the other new girl next to me, who was just as annoyed as I was, to confirm that I was not crazy in thinking this was not what we expected.

Looking back, the only thing I got out of it was, just because I run and workout a lot does not make me a super hero or even moderately good at all exercises. I guess you could say it humbled me. What seemed like a piece of cake for others, meant my legs were shaking in tense-ness trying to hold myself up.

Needless to say, I doubt I'll be attending another Sunday class, and may just hold out until basketball is over and I can get back to my Winsor yoga a-la-Jill.

Afterward I went back to the apartment to finish cleaning, did some hardcore grocery shopping at Trader Joe's, made some cornbread, and made a delicious concoction of scallops, shrimp, calamari, couscous, spinach, feta cheese and kalamata olives. Delicioso! I'm trying to expand my culinary horizons after realizing my repetoire included only chicken parm and baked fish :-/

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 62 - 12.03 miles (1:42:35)

"If it was easy, with no aches and pains, everyone would do it!" - Coach Rick

Miles Ran: 203.84 (passed the 200 mark!) Dollars Raised: $1,066.20

Not gonna lie, my joints are not happy with me, but that's what happens when you run 12 miles at an average 8:30 pace and burn 1512 calories (perhaps why I feel a little sick?).

It was SO gorgeous out today. I wanted to shed my jacket halfway through the run, and. I saw some people running in shorts (idiots)! A group of us leading the pack got a little confused with where we were supposed to turn around, but thanks to Garmin!, we just kept running until we hit 6 and then turned back. As nice as it was, there was a TON of black ice all over the sidewalks. I almost wiped out just walking to the meeting, and there were more than a few questionable steps where I could have easily slided out of control. I was listening to my ipod the whole time, and for a good portion of the run this girl was right on my tail, annoying the crap out of me haha She seemed like a nice girl, but she just kept distracting me, and I didn't feel like making conversation.

Towards the end my feet really started getting sore, but I tried to just focus on something else. For instance, did you know all of the trees on the Boston side of the Charles are numbered?! Haha When we got back I chatted with the guy who made my Mango/Vanilla protein shake, and another girl who is doing her 26TH MARATHON! Talk about getting addicted!

Before the run, Rick also gave me a suggestion to skip an eyehole with my shoelaces over the spot that's been getting kind of sore lately. Apparently it could cause a stress fracture! He was also talking about a checklist he'll be sending us for Marathon weekend--who knew you should avoid all of the free samples at the Expo because you could get a stomach virus?!

Day 61 - Rest

"Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?" - Dennis and Wendy Mannering

Miles Ran:
191.81. Dollars Raised: $1,066.20

I realized last night as I was falling asleep that I had forgotten to write about my Rest day. It was a little stressful, mostly because on game days I have to leave work SO much earlier, and of course, every last minute thing arises as I have about a half hour left.

I felt like the littlest things were getting on my nerves--from people replying all, to having had made some really stupid mistake, to kids being late for the bus, and then the screaming on the bus... But then, as usual, the girls were able to make me forget about everything and get my mood back in check.

It feels almost like spring this morning, but I missed my train by like 30 seconds (if only that building wasn't there so I could see when the train is coming and actually run!) so we'll see how today, and my 12-miler go...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 60 - 5.86 (51:59)

"As I continue to increase my fitness level, I am looking for more challenges." - Valerie Bertinelli

Miles Ran:
191.81 Dollars Raised: $1,066.20

Wow... two months of training down, three to go. That's pretty crazy to think about! That's why now is SUCH a hard time to stay focused on training and fund raising. It's so easy to get off track with running on a schedule or not keep pushing for those extra dollars.

Speaking of which, it's official! My first fund raiser will be at East End Bar and Grill in New York City on Friday, March 19th 7:30-10:30 open bar with $35 cover ($5 goes to Boston Debate League). And my second event will be held at Chicago Uno's in Kenmore Square in Boston, all day, Saturday, March 27th (if the combined total of money spent by people equals less that $1000, BDL gets 15%, over $1000, BDL gets 20%!) I'm so excited for both of these events!

I also just got an email today saying I am officially registered for the marathon, and my name will soon be added to the "entrants" list online. Just browsing through some of the names I saw how MANY states and countries people are coming from. It's insane! I also heard Valerie Bertinelli (who's birthday is the same as mine) say on the Today show that SHE plans to run the marathon. Well if Val can do it, I certainly can!

Katharine and I had a pretty decent run today around Brookline. We kept up an average of a 9:00 minute pace, and did some serious catching up. We've decided to call the marathon "our baby" because it consumes our lives so much, like a newborn haha

I also got hit, for the second time this week, with the post-run-not-enough-rest syndrome. This is where I immediately do a slew of other things right after I run (like... going to Uno's to fill out the application) instead of resting. Now at 9:30 I am EXTREMELY tired, and I think that run is catching up with me.. I think I'll let it..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 59 - 5 miles (43:54)/Cross

"Sometimes you have to be selfish to be selfless." - Edward Albert

Miles Ran: 185.95 Dollars Raised: $1,066.20

Just got back from the 9:30...not feeling too exhausted, and really excited about my EasyMac and chocolate milk dinner :) Dinner of champions, perhaps?!

I think I found the perfect combination for the treadmill: 9:00 mile pace, finding a treadmill with a TV that doesn't require headphones to be plugged in to be viewed, and listening to my ipod--then kicking it up for the last mile from 7 mph gradually all the way up to NINE MPH! This was the closest I've ever felt to being in a "groove" while on a treadmill. I was focusing on short, quick strides and keeping my arms low and close to my body. Afterward, since today was supposed to be a "cross" day I did the Arc Trainer for 45 minutes. I think I'll sleep pretty well tonight (as long as the people in the apartment above me stop screaming/crying at each other.)

I'm really excited about some fund raising events that are seriously in motion, and will be sure to update as soon as they're definite!

My basketball girls were so funny today. I pulled out my planner to see when our next game was and they became absolutely FASCINATED by my training schedule, and so excited to come cheer for me at the marathon! Their faces lit up when I started talking about the Princess Half and what to wear!

I was telling my Mom how I came to this realization tonight on the treadmill of how happy I am this challenge includes a fund raising aspect (as hard as it can be sometimes). I feel like so much of my life has become consumed with worrying about myself, my body, my focus, my mental health, my inspirations, my nutrition, my drive... me me me me me me me me ME. At times I almost feel selfish for sacrificing parts of my social life, my own "me" time, family time, etc. to be committed to my training. It's great to have this other half of the marathon focus on something for the community, for a good cause, for teenagers who maybe don't have the programs that were available for me, or the healthy environment to thrive in. It takes me away from thinking about myself to think about WHY I'm doing this and who it is for--all the other people in Boston affected by this marathon, besides Samantha Rae.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 58 - Rest

"A relaxed mind is a creative mind." - Yogi Tea tea bag

Miles Ran: 180.95 Dollars Raised: $1,066.20

I have to admit to my guilty conscience up front and say that I was should have ran five miles today.

There. I said it.

My goal is to wake up early in the morning and run those five, and then ALSO get my cross training in at night. Very ambitious, I know.

Part of the reason, besides other time consuming reasons, that I did not rush over to the gym when I strolled in at 8:30 tonight was because my thighs were feeling overly tight for some reason and I didn't want to push it. Another is because tonight at an alumnae reception our speaker was one of our faculty who works in the health and wellness department. (I also had the privilege of getting really into yoga, with her as an instructor, before basketball took up my Thursday afternoons). Listening to her talk about "mindfulness" and finding the connection between your mind and your heart was almost like a yoga or meditation session on it's own. When she speaks she really makes me reflect on my inner being and how to face and navigate challenges that arise in day-to-day life. We were talking a lot about coping, and dealing with stress, and I realized, especially lately, that I do a lot of things that bring happiness and joy and self reflection to my life almost every day (forms of coping?)--but lately I've been able to recognize more when I need that "coping" and need that time for myself--like tonight :)

Ever since I got back from a week and a half long break it's been hard to get back into a schedule and manage the stress in my life that was non-existent over that time. I think what I need right now is just a solid night's sleep, a run in the morning, and then maybe take some time out of my day at work to breathe/regroup and be the best I can be. Then win our basketball game at Rivers and go work out a little more.

So yeah, I'm justifying my unscheduled day of rest because I'm listening to my body and it's telling me I need it!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 57 - 4.23 miles (36:29)

"What do you know about my dreams, Gaston?" - Belle

Miles Ran: 180.95 Dollars Raised: $1,066.20 (Thank you Kim Bohlin, Aunt Nettie and Uncle Tony!!!! Ladies and gentlemen, WE'VE PASSED $1,000!!!!)

You know what's really frustrating, especially after you've had such an amazing day in fund raising, is when you go for a run and your body wants and can run faster than your lungs let you. I forgot to take my inhaler, yet again, but figured I would just see how it went. And then! I came out of the gate wayyyyy too fast. I looked down at my watch at one point and what felt like a decent pace was actually a 7:00 mile!

Then it felt like I got hit with a ton of bricks, right in the chest. I could NOT catch my breath, no matter how hard I tried. I'm really surprised at how fast I ran today considering I was trying to slow myself down the entire time and get into a breathing rhythm. I finally found it towards the end, but even when I got home I was wheezing for a good 20 minutes.

In other good news, I'm ready for my "second appeal" and have some serious leads on a couple events. AND! This weekend I bought my first piece for my Disney Princess Half Marathon, which, come to think of it, I haven't really talked that much about. The first weekend of
March my family and I are flying down to Disney so that I can participate in a half marathon that runs through the Magic Kingdom, is only women, and the majority of them dress up as Disney princesses. So, after much debate, and logical arguments made by my friends, I have decided to go with..... Belle! So this is my first yellow piece I am starting with, and will build around it to make a functional, yet "beauty"ful costume to run in. I think it will be a great, warm, fun breather to break up my training, and actually happens to fall perfectly in line with the running schedule for that week!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 56 - Rest

"She got diamonds on the soles of her shoes." - Paul Simon

Miles Ran: 176.72 Dollars Raised: $941.20

Seeing people get really excited about something, especially little things, makes me smile :)

Things I saw people get excited about this weekend: a girl at CVS over 6 cans of Beeferoni for $1, a bunch of Green Bay fans over a play at Joshua Tree, my Mom having her kids around for a day with no time restraints, my brother having a spare room in his apartment, Lucy at Marathon seeing that I really appreciated her help, Liz seeing Dave on Tough Love 2 haha, the achievement of my Mom making my stained glass hang level, Amy with her incredible vanilla bean and chocolate ice cream dessert, hearing AR talk about the project she's working on for her sis

Things I got excited about this weekend: noticing 3 of us in line at CVS were wearing pajamas and/or slippers, finding a new "calm song" to run to (Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap), seeing my new stained glass catch the light, seeing 5 people I've been missing, realizing my New Year's resolution, looking over the Mass. Ave. bridge at a river covered in snow, watching all of these pigeons fly off a ledge while waiting for the T, seeing my Mom enjoy her experience at a store I spend so much time at (Marathon Sports), looking at miniature dapple piebald dachshund puppies for sale, Paul Simon music festivals in my apartment

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 55 - 11 miles (1:36:09)

"I was pushed by myself because I have my own rule, and that is every day I run faster and try harder." - Wilson Kipketer

Miles Ran: 176.72 Dollars Raised: $941.20

This run was pretty interesting. We only meet as a team every other week, so this week there was an email sent out to the whole group inviting anybody who wanted to get together at the usual time. So there was not the usual huge group of us, but a decent amount, and it ended up working out pretty well!

I started off leaving last because my Garmin was taking a little while to "locate satellites." But I ended up catching up to everyone and then being in the front of the pack. We went around the Charles to Eliot Bridge in Cambridge, but the terrain was not the best on the Cambridge side. There was SO much ice, covered with just a little bit of snow, so it was very slippery. It was a pretty incredible view though, especially crossing the Mass Ave bridge.

For about 2/3 of the run I was with these two new guys I hadn't met before, Vince and Robbie. I guess Robbie isn't even training for the Boston Marathon (he's doing Pittsburgh) but he found Vince on Runner's World to do long runs, and since this was "unofficial" he joined us for the day. It was really nice running with new people and getting to hear their stories and troubles and experiences. They definitely helped me keep up my pace, but I wasn't completely winded talking either. Talking to people while you run really helps keep your mind off the distance and makes it go by so much faster.

At the very end I was happy for pushing myself--when I got to the end of the run I was .2 miles away from 11, so I took a turn and went up and down a block just to get finish the complete 11. At the end, I wasn't mentally exhausted, my legs were getting a little sore. I showered really quickly and spent the rest of the morning/afternoon downtown in the city, which really made me realize how necessary it is for me to rest my legs right after a run :( They're reallyyyy aching...and I'm excited for a REAL rest day tomorrow!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 54 - Cross

"Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint and begin to build." - Robert Collier

Miles Ran: 165.72 Dollars Raised: $941.20 (Thank you Uncle Tad and Aunt Doreen!!!)

Perhaps I am becoming a gym converter after all... Today was supposed to be a rest day, and instead, after basketball, since I was still in my gym clothes I said, why not?! So I went over and did the Arc Trainer for 45 minutes and more ab work. When I can feel myself being a bum, it's easier to walk the 100 feet over to the gym (especially on my own free will, on a REST DAY!) than to go for a chilly night run outdoors. I think I joined at the perfect time!

What seems to be a consistent thought through my head today is how serious this training has become, especially right now. It's literally a way of life, and I'm enjoying it and the challenges to push myself. It helps to have so much encouragement from my coach, my family, my friends that pushes my "mind over body" to be completely confident that, "yeah! I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and run 11 miles in 20 degrees at 8 AM!" When someone asks me if I think I will be able to finish, I answer "YES!" with NO doubts in my mind.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 53 - 4 miles (37:15)

"Do not let circumstances influence your thoughts and moods. By rising over them mentally, you will eventually rise over them materially." - Remez Sasson

Miles Ran:
165.72 Dollars Raised: $916.20

Today's run was pretty awful. I attribute it to a combination of things.
  1. Waking up at 5 AM and still being half asleep
  2. Attempting to run 5 miles on a treadmill
  3. Forgetting to bring my inhalers with me
  4. Watching the news while I ran, and basically having no motivation to go any faster
From the moment I got on the treadmill I just did not feel well at all, and though I was supposed to do 5 miles, and wanted to stop at 2, I pushed myself to 4. Once I stopped watching the news (I hate how they repeat the same stories over and over and over) and turned on my ipod, I was able to pick up the pace a little bit and get a little more motivated, but it was a struggle.

In other good news, my brother, Clark, is going to be volunteering with his amazing athletic training skills at the Marathon!!!! This means he will most likely be at or near the finish line providing help to runners who have just finished an emotionally and physically draining journey and probably really hurting. I know who I will be running to for a wheelchair and god knows what other aches and pains when I finish!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 52 - Cross

"Tomorrow's battle is won during today's practice." - Japanese proverb

Miles Ran: 161.72 Dollars Raised: $916.20

I got sucked into the gym membership today, and can't decide whether or not to feel fooled or happy about it, but I'm leaning toward happy.

Here's the thing. Running outside now, with the ice and snow, at night (when I most likely run) is in fact, dangerous. Which sucks. And up until now, my "cross training" has been a step above a rest day. And this week where I've had two weeknights with early evening plans, it's convenient to run in the morning.

So the deal is that the month of January was free, I had this Groupon for a free month (February), the guy waived the sign up fee, and I'm just doing it month-to-month. So I can cancel it with a 30-days notice at any time, or if it becomes nice enough out again that I'm not using it, I can "freeze" it and then pick it up again later. Sounds like a pretty decent deal, and for not being tied into a contract, the price isn't terrible.

So now my outlook on cross training days is to really try and make my body better prepared for my runs. I played a lot with the basketball team today, and was definitely working up a sweat by the end. Then I did the Arc Trainer at the gym for an hour (those Kardashians keep me really entertained!) and a little ab work.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 52 - 4 miles (33:25)

"All the single ladies! All the single ladies.. All the single ladies! All the single ladies... Now put your hands up!" - Beyonce, my Mom's favorite workout groove on the treadmill

Miles Ran: 161.72 Dollars Raised: $916.20

The debate over the treadmill arises again.

  • Can be used when the weather outside is frightful, or dark
  • Can constantly keep an idea of your pace, how much time you have left
  • Televisions
  • Cannot get into a "zone" like with running outside, and stick with your speed rather than increasing or decreasing depending on how you feel
  • Not as visually stimulating
  • Cannot naturally challenge yourself with incline and decline
  • Cannot get used to the temperature/challenges of running in inclement weather
So I tried out my new pass to the BSC this morning, which was definitely convenient, and I'm going to try to take advantage of it as much as possible (especially for strength training), but it's just so static. It was definitely easier to coax myself out of bed at 5 AM to go run in a nice, warm, lighted, gym--but I'm going to try to keep running outside at least once or twice a week.

I also wanted to comment on how it's important to keep your runs enjoyable. I literally almost started laughing today when "I'm on a Boat" by Andy Samberg and T-Pain came on my ipod today. I used to have it as a regular in my playlist, but it fell towards the bottom as I added new songs. I think songs make SUCH an impact on your mood when running, so having something that makes you laugh or makes you pumped up is definitely necessary!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 51 - 4.16 miles (35:31)

"The mind ought to sometimes be diverted that it may return the better to thinking." - Phaedrus

Miles Ran: 157.72 Dollars Raised: $916.20 (Thank you Uncle Stan, Aunt Becky and Dulce!!!)

Sometimes you just need to run to clear your head.

Today was pretty stressful getting back to work and catching up, and I just felt like I was in a funky mood all day. My mind had become so used to not critically thinking or socializing over the past week that it kind of went into shock.

The beginning of my run started off with me not giving a care at all about my pace or speed, I was just taking it easy since I still felt sore from Saturday's run. I was trying out some different techniques since the proper one for my new kicks is "Land, Lever, Lift," as seen here:

It was funny when I stopped at the very end of my run at CVS and started walking home, because I could feel SUCH a difference in trying to do the heel-toe movement, compared to what comes natural to me when I'm running. It just felt, weird. Lucy at Marathon specifically said, this is NOT a walking shoe, and she was right!