Running in Action

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 7 - 4 miles

"Friendships born on the field of athletic strife are the real gold of competition. Awards become corroded, friends gather no dust." - Jesse Owens

Miles Ran: 17 Dollars Raised: $150

I love running in groups. About 99% of my training has been on my own, and it's definitely refreshing to run with a big group of people--a handful at least at the same pace as you. It just makes everything so much more enjoyable, and gives you the opportunity to bounce ideas off the people who are experiencing the same things as you. I think it takes a certain kind of dedication to take on the challenge of running a marathon and raising thousands of dollars for a charity, and for that kind of value in each member of a marathon team, it's easy to connect and bond.

This morning was our first training run where our coalition of teams came together (I would guess at least 50 of us) to run along the Charles River. I had already met Nicole from our initial meeting, then met her friend Justine, Katharine, Jen and Lisa. About halfway through Katharine and I really got into chatting and running at the same pace, and it turns out she lives right by me in Brighton! So we're going to try and get in a schedule of running together.

I'm crossing my fingers right now that I'll be able to get on this 11:30 bus to NYC to celebrate my friend Chelsea's birthday, but before I sign off I have to say how AMAZING it was to pack and get ready this morning in the dark. Thanks NSTAR!!

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