Running in Action

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 15 - Rest

Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." - Hunter Thompson

Miles Ran: 40.8 Dollars Raised: $300

Before I actually rest for good, I just wanted to write a little update on my day of rest (appropriate for Sunday, no?). My legs and feet were definitely feelin it from yesterday's run, which is why there's usually a rest day after a really long run. I think they say it takes at least TWO WEEKS to recover from the Marathon. Something to look forward to!

Since I was supposed to be taking it easy, I spent most of my afternoon sitting...on the back of a Ducati!! It was my first like, REAL, real motorcycle ride. Very exhilarating. Very fantastic. Very I'm-writing-a-letter-to-Santa-right-now-to-drop-one-off-under-my-substitute-Christmas-tree-decorated-garland amazing.

Here's a running tip I have yet to mention: cotton clothes are the devil. Most clothes for that matter. When you're running for an hour or more, any piece of clothing that rubs your skin the wrong way will leave a bad mark. The slightest thing...I'm talking the minuscule stitching on a shirt or the key in the pocket of your running pants. I literally have scars.

Back to falling asleep with the heating pad. Hopefully this doesn't turn into a recurring issue.

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