Running in Action

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 1 - Rest

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." - Anatole France

Miles Ran: 0 Dollars Raised: $100

Rest...easy enough! I'm trying to breathe and use my off day to strategize just how I'm going to accomplish these massive challenges. What's easier: pushing your body to the limit and running 26.2 miles on the most prestigious marathon route in the world? Or raising $5,000 for a charity you believe in? I'm expecting both to be exhausting, physically, mentally and emotionally--but hopefully just as much fun in the process.

I'm taking a little different approach to my training at the beginning since I'm a little ahead of schedule. My coach suggested to keep doing what I'm doing until the training schedule catches up to where I am--at which time the long runs will increase 1 mile per week until we hit 20.

As for fund raising.. I'm starting to compile a list of allllllllll the people I know that might want to support the Boston Debate League, and all the ways to outreach, host an event and market the cause. Hopefully some development work will inspire me!

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