Running in Action

Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 16 - 4 miles

"The best things in life are unexpected--because there were no expectations." - Eli Khamarov

Miles Ran: 44.8 Dollars Raised: $500 (including the check from Compass!! Thank you!!)

Anyone who knows me very well knows I love having a plan, and when my plan hits a road block it's hard for me to regroup and go with the flow. (It's something I'm trying to work on.) Today had a lot of unexpected little things happen, but they ended up all working out in the end :)

I got a call from my Dad as we were stuffing nametags for an event this afternoon, wondering "if one was writing a check to my charity, who should they make it out to?" (The answer is Boston Debate League) He was talking to the president of his company about charitable donations, mentioned my run and what I was running for, and as he was walking out the door was handed a check for $200! It's gifts like that, which are completely unanticipated, that really make a difference and inspire me.

I was thinking during the day how I could write about how much I hate running on treadmills, since I was planning to go to the gym in between work and the event. But of course! Of all things, what do I forget? Not my shower stuff, not my ipod, not my inhaler. My shoes! So instead I worked on labeling envelopes and was NOT looking forward to running after the dinner.

We were holding a Trustee/Faculty dinner, which I was kind of skeptical about--not knowing what to expect. But to my surprise (thanks to Table #8!) I had a really amazing time! And I got to know some other faculty a little bit better on a non-work level, and they're hilarious.

My last surprise, as I grudgingly put on my sneakers at 9 PM, was that it really was like a "calm after the storm" 4 mile run. I started off with a different mix of music...there weren't too many people on the sidewalks...and the little leftover puddles made me thankful that the buckets of rain had stopped. All in all, a surprisingly good day.

Now let's see if the Pats can make an unexpected turnaround against the Saints...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 15 - Rest

Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." - Hunter Thompson

Miles Ran: 40.8 Dollars Raised: $300

Before I actually rest for good, I just wanted to write a little update on my day of rest (appropriate for Sunday, no?). My legs and feet were definitely feelin it from yesterday's run, which is why there's usually a rest day after a really long run. I think they say it takes at least TWO WEEKS to recover from the Marathon. Something to look forward to!

Since I was supposed to be taking it easy, I spent most of my afternoon sitting...on the back of a Ducati!! It was my first like, REAL, real motorcycle ride. Very exhilarating. Very fantastic. Very I'm-writing-a-letter-to-Santa-right-now-to-drop-one-off-under-my-substitute-Christmas-tree-decorated-garland amazing.

Here's a running tip I have yet to mention: cotton clothes are the devil. Most clothes for that matter. When you're running for an hour or more, any piece of clothing that rubs your skin the wrong way will leave a bad mark. The slightest thing...I'm talking the minuscule stitching on a shirt or the key in the pocket of your running pants. I literally have scars.

Back to falling asleep with the heating pad. Hopefully this doesn't turn into a recurring issue.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 14 - 10.8 miles

"Night in the city looks pretty to me. Night in city looks fine." - Joni Mitchell

Miles Ran: 40.8 Dollars Raised: $300

That was a surprisingly comfortable 10.8 miles for the most part! (And you have to add the ".8" in there, just like the marathon has that extra ".2") Only around mile 9 or so did my toes, all ten of them, feel like they were going to fall off. I'm sure they will be aching all day tomorrow too. I hadn't done a 10 mile run in a few weeks (never mind 10+) so it felt good to get back out there, and finish under two hours :)

When it comes to the longer runs, SO much of it is mental. I plot out a route that will be visually appealing to me so I will mentally be happy and observant and don't get bored. Then it's just swallowing the fact that, yes, this is going to take a very long time, and you're going to be sore, so just accept it and pace yourself.

Today I went down Commonwealth Ave., over the BU bridge, along the Charles River to the Mass. Ave. bridge, more along the Charles, up through Beacon Hill on Cambridge Street, down Sudbury to Atlantic, down to South Station, all the way up Boylston, back to Mass. Ave., and finally all the way back up Comm. and to my apartment. The Charles was my favorite part, by far. It was almost eerie in a cool way (it was still twilight) with all of the leaves off the trees, barely any runners out, and the cityscape in the background.

Now, to recuperate...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day 13 - Rest

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

Miles Ran: 30 Dollars Raised: $300

Whenever I'm home I go through these phases of feeling either like a completely useless/lazy/relaxed sloth or a super busy, trying to squeeze in every possible task and seeing every possible person into short periods of time, multi-tasking queen. It's like I need to make myself an itinerary.

Today, on my off day, I'm trying to compile everything I need for my "first appeal" letter. After I write this post I will go through the endless editing process and battle with mail merge, and hopefully!, by tomorrow morning, have close to a hundred letters ready to ship out. Which means not sleeping in until 11:00 for the third day in a row Samantha....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 12 - 5 miles

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust

Miles Ran: 30 Dollars Raised: $300 (Thank you Kelly Hogan!!!!)

Ugh.. that was a ROUGH five miles. Probably had something to do with the fact that I participated in the "night before Thanksgiving bar festivities" last night, but what can you do. It was so nice to catch up with the girls, Michael Joseph and CJ that the pain this morning was worth it. I just felt like I was completely dragging the whole time. I did a 2 1/2 mile loop around my neighborhood twice, which was probably a good thing so I could gauge how much longer I had left.

Running gives me a lot of time to think (which can be a good and bad thing) and today, in light of Thanksgiving, I was just thinking about all of the things I am so thankful for--especially during this marathon challenge. First of all, a super big thank you to Kelly Hogan who, while I was out on my run, donated $50 :) I'm just so thankful, and more appreciative than I can express, for everyone who is supporting me in so many ways. From donations, words of advice and encouragement, spreading the word, and just plain interest in what I'm doing and running for. I'm so thankful for what running has given back to me: something to be passionate about, a goal to work toward, a reason to be more confident and conscious about my body, new opportunities to meet people, and even just having that time to myself where I can think (or not think) and work on self-care. I'm also so thankful to have an inspiring charity to run for that's very easy to be an advocate for, and to have an amazing coach who makes me feel like NOTHING is impossible and makes me confident that this is something I will accomplish.

And, I'm thankful for my Mom's incredible cooking skills. Let's Eat! Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 11 - 4 miles

"I enter the world called real as one enters a mist." - Julien Green

Miles Ran: 25 Dollars Raised: $250

If it wasn't for all of the leaves on the ground and my stomach yearning for a big turkey dinner tomorrow, you might venture to think it's spring outside. The mist is one of those that would probably find it's way around your hat or umbrella and getchya anyway, so what's the use of trying to stop it.

I'm kind of happy I'm doing my shorter runs at home in West Springfield this week and my long run in Boston. I feel like, though it's nice to have a change of scenery, I'm always dreading having to plan out a really long, hilly route here. (I'm getting distracted as I type while I bounce along to Karen O and the Kids with songs from Where the Wild Things Are.) So it was nice to just do a 4 miler today along the route I used to run back in the days when I did not run...if that makes sense. Then on Saturday I think I'll try and do a run down where I used to live (and go for runs) by the water and Seaport District.

I also wanted to point out that I added a link to my "link section" on the right called Gmap Pedometer, which is what I usually use to plan out my runs. There's another site a lot of other runners use called Map My Run, but it's just personal preference. You can even add your weight in there to see how many calories you burn. Check it out!

Wow... 25 miles, the 25th of November, $250... Coincidence? I think not!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 10 - Rest/Kind of Cross Train

"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking the rules, making mistakes, and having fun." - Mary Lou Cook

Miles Ran: 21 Dollars Raised: $250 (Thank you Granny and Pop Pop!!!)

Dare I say I am being creative by taking a risk and not running today? haha

I used to really beat myself up about missing a day of running, or having to adjust my running schedule, like when you're on a diet and that extra Oreo you sneaked at lunch haunts you for the rest of the week. But ya know what? Stuff happens. Plans change. And sometimes it's the better choice to drive safely and slowly through the sardine-packed Mass Pike to be with your family, than to turn around as soon as you arrive to go run 4 miles in the dark.

So instead, my plan is to run my 4 miles tomorrow morning when I can actually function and be seen by cars.

Besides... I did do fast feet with the girls today and definitely broke a sweat! That counts as cross training.... right?....

I've chalked up another donation to my fund raising efforts thanks to my grandparents! My business cards also arrived today (which I'm extremely happy with), I'm going to try and get all of my letters done while I'm at home, and I'm going to try to brainstorm as many ways as possible to get the word out to my hometown while I'm here. Wish me luck!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 9 - 4 miles

"Energy and persistence alter all things." - Benjamin Franklin

Miles Ran: 21 Dollars Raised: $150

I began my run today with a 45 minute nap with a heating pad around my hamstring, and here I am ending it with some ice (after a brief interruption when I spilled my entire glass of Crystal Light all over the floor while trying to multi-task on the computer.)

I could have very easily stayed in bed with the heating pad, but put on my hat and windbreaker and faced the rain with courage haha It was actually one of those rains (despite the wind and cold) that was more refreshing than annoying. I'm sure if it was coming down harder I would have been thoroughly pissed the entire time. And I'm also sure that there will be those runs along the way that I ask myself, "why the hell am I doing this?" but keep on truckin.

Today I really focused on my form after my coach was giving us some tips at the last training run. He said for women, you should try to keep your arms from swinging above your "jog bra" line, and have your hands as light as though you have a handful of butterflies. I had NO idea how much energy I was losing by pumping my arms all over the place, as if they were making my legs move faster or something. I really felt a lot more relaxed and smooth just by bringing my arms lower. Fascinating! Coach Rick also says "women carry the weight of the world on our shoulders", which is why we need to loosen up as much as possible. Ain't it the truth...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 8 - Rest

"Il bel far niente means 'the beauty of doing nothing.'" - Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat Pray Love

Miles Ran: 17 Dollars Raised: $150

My goal on my "rest" days is to do some inward thinking, and take the time to focus on self-care. Anything that makes me really relax and step away from the craziness of the world around me, or focus on other health issues.

Today (sniff!) I've been attacked by allergies since I was around (the cutest) dog all weekend in New York. So I've been taking the Zyrtec, the Benadryl, and had tissues by my side all day as my eye and my shoulder (shoulder?) welted up in little circular spots.

I also started reading Eat Pray Love, which I absolutely recommend to anyone. It's about a woman who is searching to find her inner self on a year long trip through Italy, India and Indonesia. She's an amazing writer, and isn't really preach-y at all like I had suspected. On my ride back to Boston today I kept giggling at parts out loud and had to share them with my "Bus Buddy", Clark. Luckily, since he's a great friend, he kept me laughing the entire way, and didn't blast showtunes through his headphones like my first Bus Buddy. Off to indulge in some more reading!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 7 - 4 miles

"Friendships born on the field of athletic strife are the real gold of competition. Awards become corroded, friends gather no dust." - Jesse Owens

Miles Ran: 17 Dollars Raised: $150

I love running in groups. About 99% of my training has been on my own, and it's definitely refreshing to run with a big group of people--a handful at least at the same pace as you. It just makes everything so much more enjoyable, and gives you the opportunity to bounce ideas off the people who are experiencing the same things as you. I think it takes a certain kind of dedication to take on the challenge of running a marathon and raising thousands of dollars for a charity, and for that kind of value in each member of a marathon team, it's easy to connect and bond.

This morning was our first training run where our coalition of teams came together (I would guess at least 50 of us) to run along the Charles River. I had already met Nicole from our initial meeting, then met her friend Justine, Katharine, Jen and Lisa. About halfway through Katharine and I really got into chatting and running at the same pace, and it turns out she lives right by me in Brighton! So we're going to try and get in a schedule of running together.

I'm crossing my fingers right now that I'll be able to get on this 11:30 bus to NYC to celebrate my friend Chelsea's birthday, but before I sign off I have to say how AMAZING it was to pack and get ready this morning in the dark. Thanks NSTAR!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 6 - Rest

"Tomorrow, tomorrow! I love ya! Tomorrow, you're only a day away."- Annie

Miles Ran: 13 Dollars Raised: $150

Someday I'll actually rest on a rest day. Today seemed like a whirlwind even though it started off pretty easy, going into work late (on purpose). Hung out with the coaches after practice, hung out with the Clarkster after that, and now I'm finally getting to laundry, and get to pack for my NYC trip tomorrow!

It's really important to take rest days though: 1) to take care of yourself, and 2) to prepare yourself for a big run ahead. Tomorrow is our first "group training run" where all five of my coach's teams get together. I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone and getting started with someone analyzing how I run and see how I can make it better.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 5 - 5 miles

"Is there anyone out there? Cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe." - Maroon 5

Miles Ran: 13 Dollars Raised: $150! (THANK YOU ANNA-RUTH!!!)

Even though tonight was unseasonably warm (ran in t-shirt and shorts?) I forgot to take my inhaler before I left. UGH!

I don't know if I psych myself out or what, but once I realize I forgot to take my meds I kind of freak out a little bit. I guess it's not a terrible thing to focus on your breathing on your runs, but that wheezing is just unbearable. I'm sure it's not going to be very fun when it does decide to get colder too. Maybe there's some sort of athletic scarf I can wear haha

The feeling of clearing that Commonwealth Ave hill towards the Chestnut Hill Resevoir never gets old. It's so hard to start the run off with! But afterward I just kind of coast. It's amazing how many less people are running around the Res now that it's so much darker out.

Off to get clean!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day 4 - Cross Train

"I can give you a six-word formula for success: Think things through--then follow through." - Sir Walter Scott

Miles Ran: 8 Dollars Raised: $100

It's all about the follow through.

Today was another long day at work, and when I had about an hour to kill between basketball practice and a committee meeting I thought I'd get my cross training in by doing something I definitely needed work on: my own basketball skills.

I felt like such an idiot yesterday at practice when, of course, as I go to do my first lay-up in front of all the girls, I was too scattered-brained, thinking to myself, "OHMYGOD THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE TOUCHED A BALL IN MONTHS!" that I totally missed the simplest shot in the sport of basketball. As if these 12 and 13 year old girls would think less of me or something. And that I would care?!...which apparently I do.

So I reverted back to my high school days of just me, the ball, and an empty gym. It's kind of an awesome feeling to have a gym all to yourself, to do whatever drills you want, with no one else but yourself as a critic. I stood there. Focused. Going over in my head repeatedly, "finger pads on the ball, bend the knees, extend the arm, shoot like it's going through the top of a telephone booth, follow through." I felt like I was getting into a rhythm but still had the same instructions going through my head every time. The follow through, I think, is the most important part. You need to have that backspin on the ball, and when you do it perfectly, the ball swishes and rewards you by returning itself so you don't have to move.

I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly it all came back to me (8 out of 10 foul shots ain't bad!) and as I moved around the empty floor it felt familiar. But that follow through was key. Especially on my closing 3-pointer of the night ;)

As far as fundraising goes, though that lonely $100 could use some company, I feel like I'm more in the planning stages and want to make appeals to people in the most effective way. I'm willing to delay the initial "DONATE TO ME RIGHT NOW!" speech to be better prepared. I ordered all of these business cards today with my information, websites and BDL info on it, and then "ways YOU can make a difference" on the back. Hopefully I'll get them next week and can kind of use those as a marketing tool for acquaintances.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 3 - 4 miles

"Time is a created thing. To say "I don't have time" is to say "I don't want to." - Lao Tzu

Miles Ran: 8 Dollars Raised: $100

As you can see on the time stamp of this puppy, today has been a LONG day. Enjoyable, enriching...but long. Since I just started assisting the girls basketball team at school today (which went great, and is funny to be addressed as "Coach Shirley") I go into work a little earlier than usual, then had practice, then an alumnae book discussion event, then a 4 mile run staring me in the face on my calendar. All the more reason to run faster and get to bed I guess!

One thing about writing this blog, even if no one but myself reads it, is I feel accountable. My friends and I always talk about "putting it out there!" (insert hand motions to the sky here) When you have a goal, tell the world, and then when someone says, "hey Sam, how's your training going?" I can confidently tell them it's great without having to stretch the truth or pretend that I'm sticking to a schedule when I'm not.

The book discussion was so much more than I expected in many ways. I was really impressed with the way people were able to open up in the group. For the most part in this blog I'm going to try to stick to running rather than personal/work life, but I have to talk about this event because afterward, when I asked the author if she's running the marathon (she had mentioned she's a marathoner) she said she was on the fence, but then said, "well... where do you live?!" as if she couldn't resist the possibility of running with a partner. That's the thing about runners, I find, is it can be a lonely road, and we're constantly looking for people to run with. Which is part of the reason I was so excited to join a team and make new friends and running buddies. It would be nice to have someone to talk to along the way who's going through the same things you are. Only once, since March, have I found someone to run with, and it made the 12.5 mile run go by so much faster. Hopefully I'll be able to work something out with this very interesting author, as I already know she can tell an amazing story.

Off to bed!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 2 - 4 miles

"Get comfortable with being uncomfortable." - Rick Muhr, my coach

Miles Ran: 4 Dollars Raised: $100 (thanks Mom!)

It's always a little tough getting back into a run after taking a day or two off. Today was one of those days. I usually try to ease into it and enjoy the run and observe, but today I had to focus on anything possible to keep me from thinking of the terrible cramp under my ribs for the first 2 miles. It was weird! I usually don't get cramps that often.

For my 4 mile runs I usually head toward Comm Ave from my apartment, all the way down to Kenmore Square, up Beacon Street, down Harvard Ave, and back to the straightaway of my good old Brainerd Road where I try to kick it up a notch. I hate backtracking, so I tend to find routes that do a big loop or figure eight.

If anyone hasn't listened to them yet, anything by Super Mash Brothers is amazing to workout/run to. They're my latest ipod obsession.

First day of basketball coaching starts tomorrow--should be interesting since I literally have not done anything but run for the past eight months! Everyone at work today was so excited and encouraging when I mentioned the marathon at our staff meeting--just another reason to love Winsor :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 1 - Rest

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." - Anatole France

Miles Ran: 0 Dollars Raised: $100

Rest...easy enough! I'm trying to breathe and use my off day to strategize just how I'm going to accomplish these massive challenges. What's easier: pushing your body to the limit and running 26.2 miles on the most prestigious marathon route in the world? Or raising $5,000 for a charity you believe in? I'm expecting both to be exhausting, physically, mentally and emotionally--but hopefully just as much fun in the process.

I'm taking a little different approach to my training at the beginning since I'm a little ahead of schedule. My coach suggested to keep doing what I'm doing until the training schedule catches up to where I am--at which time the long runs will increase 1 mile per week until we hit 20.

As for fund raising.. I'm starting to compile a list of allllllllll the people I know that might want to support the Boston Debate League, and all the ways to outreach, host an event and market the cause. Hopefully some development work will inspire me!