Running in Action

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 153 - 2 miles

"Nothing says better, better than Boston." - Adidas poster

Miles Ran: 491.78 Dollars Raised: $3,512.60

Today was pretty relaxing.. I forced myself to sleep until 8 AM, and am planning to get some more good, solid, rest tonight.

I went over to Trader Joe's to stock up on some good food and carbs, and besides my 2-mile run, I basically spent most of the day keeping my feet propped up on a pillow and relaxing.

On my run, with the drizzly weather outside, I just wanted to No ipod, no watch, just me and the pavement. It felt like such a short run...but I hadn't realized before how quiet my stride actually is. I thought that since I had changed my stride it was heavier and louder than before. I just enjoyed it as I noticed the streets filling up with more and more cars. The city is definitely bustling.

Tonight I went downtown to do a focus group for New Balance with six other girls. They were going to pay us $100 for one hour of answering questions about apparel, footwear, and the Expo--so I figured, why not! That's enough for a Marathon jacket anyway! It was actually kind of fun. When you get a bunch of women talking about running clothes the time just flew by!

Something that I love about the marathon, that I also noticed at the Princess run, is that people are just so friendly. Everyone wants to talk to you about it, and just have a positive energy and encouragement to share :)

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