Running in Action

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 138 and 139 - Rest and 12 miles (1:45:00)

"The end is never as satisfying as the journey. To have achieved everything but to have done so without integrity and excitement is to have achieved nothing." - Unknown (But the end should still be pretty rewarding!)

Miles Ran: 458.16 Dollars Raised: $2,893.20 (Thank you Maria Sianoooo!!!)

I am feeling grrrrreat! I just got back from a super sunny warm hilly 12 miler run and am just getting more and more excited for the ONLY 2-week-away MARATHON!!!

Yesterday was a rest day, which I spent running around, and ended with a very nice, relaxing, first trip to the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Sometimes through work donors will give us tickets to games, performances, etc, which are somewhat raffled off to the entire faculty. So yesterday I was able to get a pair of last minute seats to the performance of "Elijah." Even though it was kind of a later night for me than I prefer before a long run, it was so relaxing and inspiring that it didn't really matter.

This morning I woke up around 6:20 and started getting my act together to head over to Newton for our 12 mile run. For some reason Katharine and I thought our team's routes were different today, but when I arrived and saw some people from the Museum of Science I was pleasantly surprised! So it was great that we got to run together and catch up.

I'm getting more and more confident with heartbreak hill, and I think the trick to it is just pushing through and not being intimidated enough to slow your pace. I know at mile 17 that's going to be hard, but my thinking is just to get it over with.

The sun today was AMAZING and very warm--which makes you crave water even more. I was carrying some of this coconut water I've been trying out, and we made a pit stop for a water at Dunkin, so I put the remainder of it in my bottle and diluted it a little bit, which I liked more.

Again, "Requiem for a Dream" came on at the PERFECT time with about a mile left to go. It definitely just makes me kick it up a notch.

I feel like all of my fears and stress are turning into excitement and happiness, and it's a great feeling! Only ONE "long" run (8 miles) left before the big's SO CLOSE!

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