Running in Action

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 145 - Acupuncture

"Don't stop believin, hold onto that feelinnnnnn!" - Journey

Miles Ran: 467.61 Dollars Raised: $3,245.60

Alright conscience, I know, I need to get to bed, I have an 8-mile run in the morning!

I can't help it though, I got home a little later than I expected, ate some sushi, an apple, watched some tv, went to the "Why I Run" site (, and just got totally swept up. I actually had a few tears coming down my face reading some of the stories. It's so inspirational, and you realize that this community of runners consists of SO many people running for the right reasons. It's not about winning, it's about what happens to you and your mind when you run. Now they have boxes to click on how each story made you feel, such as inspired, cry, giggle, want to run, etc.

After listening to Kara Goucher's story again I went to the Nike running website and was looking up powersongs, videos, among many other things. I thought this video was hilarious: Beware of the butts!

I know I mentioned before that you notice small victories when you have injuries. Today, for the first time, I actually put on my Big Girl Heels, just to see if I could do it. A couple weeks ago, my foot was so swollen and my ankle just wasn't strong enough to handle it, but tonight, I DID IT! I was so happy I had to put on every single pair of heels I owned and do at least one walk around my tiny apartment. So maybe I can't spend hours in them...but it's a start.

Today at acupuncture I had some good feedback from Jessica :) She said she thinks I'm in a really great position right now... the swelling as gone down, my circulation seems to be better, everything just seems to be on the right track. I've been saying for awhile that I want to be in the best possible condition I can be for the Marathon. I don't want to look back with regrets and wish I didn't eat this, or didn't train harder, or didn't ice long enough. I think the injury really put my focus back in check, and was a wake up call to be listening to be body and appreciating the experience even more than I was.

On that note, I'm going to let my body get some rest so it can conquer Heartbreak Hill, for the last time before the marathon, tomorrow morning.

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