Running in Action

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day 42 - 9.16 Miles (1:19:03)

"People ask why I run. I say, "If you have to ask, you will never understand." It is something only those select few know. Those who put themselves through pain, but know, deep down, how good it really feels." - Erin Leonard

Miles Ran: 130.16 Dollars Raised: $751.20 (Thank you Mrs. Ziemba!!!)

I love my new Garmin :)

I guess in some cases it's better to be oblivious to how good or bad you're doing, but today it was really helpful and useful to see that my pace had slowed down and that I needed to kick it back up. It's also really cool because it tells your mileage by a GPS inside, that also shows you a map of where you've gone.

My run today was kind of different in that I kind of broke it up into 3 miniature runs. I ran about 4 miles to a CVS where I could stop and pick up a Vitamin Water, another 1.5 miles to the high school where I remembered my Dad was refereeing basketball, and then home. The break at CVS was definitely needed to rehydrate, but at the high school was good and bad because afterward I did have some renewed energy, but I also got very cold because my sweat was cooling off. I kept about an 8:36 pace the entire time, which is pretty decent for me. Back in the beginning stages of my training I was shooting for a 10:00 mile.

The only thing that was kind of frustrating today was that people still haven't cleared off the sidewalks, and there was a light snow last night. So there was still a ton of icy mounds and puddles to leap or tread lightly over. I won't lie, sometimes I imagined myself as a ballerina or a gazelle taking huge leaps or tip-toeing over the obstacles...

Towards the end I was getting really deflated, my feet were starting to hurt, my calves were burning, which is when I realized my mind would have to take over for me. So for the last mile, I have no idea how, I was running an 8 minute mile--uphill for the most part, and I was really, happy? When I got to my driveway I felt like I could go for another run :)

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