Running in Action

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 24 - 4 miles

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - My fortune cookie today

Miles Ran: 71.8 Dollars Raised: $500

This afternoon, since I didn't have basketball, I thought I'd stay at work to try and get my run in at the gym. Though the treadmill is definitely not as visually stimulating at the Boston night, it wasn't as terrible as I had imagined.

I don't know why, but the past few times (over a month ago) I had ran on the treadmill, I had to constantly stop and take walking breaks because something weird was happening with my knees. Surprisingly, this didn't happen today. When I run outside I never have a watch with me, so I'm pretty much just guessing at my time from when I last look at my clock, to when I see the time on the bank on Beacon Street, to when I arrive home. So since I had the luxury of an actual clock and pedometer, I wanted to take advantage of it and see how fast I could go.

I started off at 6.5--which is NOT what I recall being usual for me when I would solely be running on the treadmill in my early training. So it felt good that I am now at that pace consistently. At 2.5 miles I kicked it up to 6.8, then at 3.5 to 7, then just kept pushing it until I think I was at about 8.4 when I ended at 4 miles. I finished in 36:30, which is pretty decent. My usual goal is to do at least 10 minute miles, so apparently I shaved off a couple extra minutes there, and did it pretty comfortably.

So now I'm considering running on the treadmill once every week or so just to see how I'm doing with my pace and timing. I'm sure when we get into January and I'm using my month pass at the BSC I'll be doing most of my weekly runs there just to get more bang for the buck.

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